Tian Xian | Cancer Herbal Supplement

Tian Xian (pronounced “Diane Sean”) are herbal dietary supplements designed to support cancer treatment. The active herbal ingredients work to control, inhibit, and destroy cancer cells, offering a complementary approach to Western therapies. Additionally, Tian Xian help strengthen the immune system and improve the overall well-being of the patient.

Tian Xian Liquid

Colon Cancer: William Ackerman’s Story

William Ackerman battled stage 3b colon cancer with a combination of treatment and Tian Xian Liquid. Discover his inspiring journey to recovery.

Colorectal Cancer: Masudo Achiyo’s Story

Masuda Achiyo conquered colorectal cancer with surgery, chemotherapy, and Tian Xian Liquid. Discover her inspiring journey to health and vitality!

Breast Cancer: It Was Almost Incurable

Suree from Thailand overcame stage 3 breast cancer with Tian Xian, chemotherapy, and unwavering family support. Discover her inspiring journey to health.

Uterine and Breast Cancer: A Journey of Hope

Discover how one woman’s determination, combined with Tien Hsien Liquid and family support, helped her triumph over cancer and reclaim her health.

Ovarian Sarcoma: Tumors Shrank Greatly

Ms. Fu’s ovarian tumors shrank from football-sized to benign after using Tian Xian Liquid, avoiding surgery. Read about her transformative recovery journey.

Liver Cancer: Given 6 Months to Live

Discover how Putlapun overcame late-stage liver cancer using Tian Xian Liquid and achieved remarkable recovery against all odds.

Lung Cancer: Getting Back to a Normal Life

Discover Mr. Nakashima’s inspiring recovery from cancer in Tokyo, fueled by Tian Xian Liquid and hope, as he resumes his normal life.

Lung Cancer: Counting On Tian Xian Liquid

Follow Ms. Yamane’s journey as she fights lung cancer with Tian Xian Liquid, facing challenges and seeking hope amidst dire predictions in Fukushima, Japan.

Stomach Cancer: Given One Year to Live

Discover Mrs. Takada’s inspiring story of resilience as she overcomes Stage 3 stomach cancer with Tian Xian Liquid in Japan, defying medical odds.

Eliminate Cancer Cells


Complement Western Therapies


Boost Immune System

Improve Quality of Life

Tian Xian Key Ingredients

Tian Xian Key Ingredients

Tian Xian Liquid has 10 key ingredients that has different purpose and functions.

Ingredients include: Ginseng, Cordyceps Sinensis,  Ganoderma Lucidum, Lycium Chinensis, Fructus Ligustri Lucidi, Sculellaria Barbata, Pearl, Chinese Yam Rhizome, Liquorice, and Astragalus Hoangtchy.

Tian Xian Conferences and Event

Tian Xian Anti-Cancer conferences and events were held over the years across the globe — USA, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland, Taiwan, and Thailand.
Published Books on Tian Xian

There are over 3 dozen published books on the anti-cancer properties of Tian Xian products.  They are in English, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, and Korean.

Tian Xian Scientific Reports

Extensive scientific tests were done on Tian Xian products over the years, and they are published on several medical journals.

100 Cancer Survivors Honors Tian Xian Inventor

(Chinese with English Subtitle)

In this video, 100 Cancer Survivors gathered to honor Dr. Wang Zhen Guo — the inventor of Tian Xian.  The event was attended by various government officials.  It was held on January 10 — which is the 10th year anniversary of Former President Jiang Zemin’s visit to the Tian Xian facility.

Cancer Terminator: 100 Stories of Cancer Survivors

100 Cancer Survivor Stories

The Cancer Terminator goes in-depth into the development of Tian Xian and its anti-cancer properties. Summaries of scientific tests are also included.

Read the stories of 100 cancer survivors who benefitted from Tian Xian.