Cancer Survivor Stories

Lung Cancer: I Was The Only One Who Survived

Lung Cancer Survivor - I Regained my Life Through the Internet

Mr. Liu Wai (55, Hong Kong)

I have always been a healthy person so I could believe it when I was diagnosed with cancer. I was coughing excessively and so I went for a medical checkup only to be given this sad news in September 1996. I underwent surgery only because I don’t have any other choice.

They placed me on radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. I almost lost all of my hair because of the side effects, but the doctor still continued both therapies.

“…my son then learned about Tian Xian Liquid from the Internet.”

My son then learned about Tian Xian Liquid from the Internet. Since the doctors do not recognize the efficacy of Chinese medicine, I decided to take it secretly.

It was expensive to maintain both therapies at the same time so I asked the doctor to stop the chemotherapy treatment for a while. I still continued taking Tian Xian Liquid. My condition improved and my hair grew back.

“…my condition improved and my hair grew back.”

I told my doctor that I was taking Chinese medicine only after I stopped coughing, but he had suspected it from the start. It was difficult for him to support it.

The miracle of my healing was due to the Tian Xian Liquid in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. I began using Tian Xian suppository in June 1998 with excellent results as well.

The lung cancer receded and I went back to work. My overall condition is getting tremendously better. To relieve the pain caused by the wounds from the surgery, I also use Tian Xian Plaster.

The doctor said the tumor condition was stable and I only need a monthly checkup.

Later, I found out that I was the only one who had survived cancer in that hospital among the others that were confined during the time I was there.

“I found out that I was the only one who had survived cancer in that hospital.”

I thank Tian Xian Liquid for saving my life. I would like to add that Chinese people should not discriminate against Chinese medicine. When it is used in conjunction with western medicine, the effectiveness is increased.

I have now stopped smoking. I started smoking when I was 10 years old and lung cancer seemed unavoidable. But because of what I went through, I have now quit for good.

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