Cancer Survivor Stories

Liver Cancer: A Journey of Hope

Lee Tien Song, 59, a liver cancer survivor from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Lee Tien Song / 59 years old
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In 1994, I was touring Yunnam. After drinking with some friends I felt an acute pain in the right part of the abdomen, something that had never happened to me before. Since then, a dull pain around the liver area often appeared. It became more frequent. I started to get a fever, and I also lost my appetite. My weight plummeted from 162 to 135 pounds.

Told I Had 6 Months to Live

The abdominal pain returned with a vengeance on January 1, 1996. I couldn’t eat, so I had to go for a check-up at a hospital. I was shocked to learn that I had liver cancer and the tumor was already 7.5 cm. I went for second and third opinions. Some said the cancer might have spread to the bones and surgery was out of the question, while some told me I had to be operated on straightway so that I could have 50% chance of staying alive.

Without surgery, they predicted that I could live for only 6 months. They said the surgery would cost me over RM30,000 and there might be a high chance of relapse. I was depressed because I had to spend so much money for such a poor prognosis, so I went on searching for a better therapy. During that time, I listened to a friend’s advice and took some direct selling antineoplastic products for 4 months, but to no avail.

You can imagine how morose I was at that time. I was only 46 then. What would happen to my family and business if I had just ignored the cancer? The pressure, the abdominal pain plus a feeble body were too much for me.

“When I had made all the arrangements for my family and work, I just led a carefree life and let nature take its course. It was a pleasant surprise to find myself living continuously.”

The Turning Point in My Life

Then in March 1996 I met TXL creator Prof. Wang Zhen Guo at an anti-cancer seminar. He took my pulse and told me in no uncertain terms that I had to get the tumor removed surgically, but I had to take TXL before the surgery to control the cancer and boost my immunity, and that I had to continue taking TXL after the surgery for nourishment and enhanced immunity. He said the combination would prevent a relapse.

Encouraged by his words, I decided to go ahead with the surgery. I chose GHKL because the treatment in government hospitals was free. I went for a check-up in April 1996 and the surgery was scheduled for June 5th. I bought TXL from Tombo Enterprise on May 15th.

14 years of Healthy Living

That was 14 years ago. In retrospect, my wife was the one who suffered more emotionally when I was sick. She tolerated my tantrums and negativism throughout the ordeal, without a single word of complaint but only words of encouragement. She had to take care of me and our children at the same time and I couldn’t even start to imagine how she managed it.

I didn’t go back to work for 4 years upon doctor’s orders lest a relapse occur. I had given up all hopes then, so I just let my children manage the factory and I went on holidays or fishing with friends. I just wanted to enjoy life to its fullest for my ‘last 2 years.’

When I had made all the arrangements for the family and the factory, I began to spend every day with a light heart. I changed my lifestyle and diet ever since the cancer, avoiding unhealthy food and staying away from alcohol. I would not touch any unhealthy dishes, surviving mainly on fruit and vegetables. I practice Chinese Aromatic ‘Qi Gong’ and walk a lot.

The doctor who gave me a check-up in 1996 predicted that I would only live for 2 more years. But 2 years later, when I went for another check-up, he increased my life expectancy to 4 years. Four years later, he changed his prediction to 7 years. I didn’t bother to see him anymore after that since his prediction was never right.

Today, 14 years later, my daughters have gotten married. Now I am leading a semi-retired life. Old friends comment that I have not changed a bit — I’m still loud and lively!

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